
30/31 Day Challenge: Day 27 - Artwork

Hey Guys!
I'm just gonna say it now - I am GIDDY over these nails. They were so fun, and my favorite so far of the challenge. I even wore them for like 3 days, which hardly ever happens and got TONS of compliments on them!
The theme for today is ARTWORK - So obviously, I am inspired by Tattoo Art. Moreso because my boyfriend is an amazing painter of traditional tattoo style art so I just HAD to do something like that!

Now while the focal point of this mani was done with temporary tattoos - the base they sit on was painstakingly sponged using 6 different shades of nude, cream and various browns to get the perfect look of a sheet of parchment tattoo flash.

Then I found 5 different tattoos that were small enough to fit on my nails. I'm bummed I kinda jacked up the anchor nail by putting the actual anchor part too far off my nail, so it just looks like a chain on a rod!

Alas - this is a special mani to me for a couple of reasons. My boyfriend for one, and also the 'Mom' nail as it was just recently my moms birthday and she's no longer here, so that's always a crappy day in my house.

On the ring finger here you can really see the parchment design under the tattoos.

After adding on the temporary tattoos, I finished this mani with a coat of Butter London Matte Top Coat.

Now don't forget to see everyone else's artworks:

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  1. Oh I love these! Just looks wonderful!

  2. wow these are effin sick!!!!!!!! seriously i am in love

  3. These are perfect on every single level.

  4. I am not surprised that you wore these for three days. As for compliments? Well, if I saw these I would have to oggle them too. I am not sure that I could compliment them because they are fantastic. :)

    1. thanks! they were sad to take off for sure, but now I know what I'm doing next time I go somewhere fun - these are gonna be my go to nails for fun!

  5. I am IN LOVE with this manicure! I so have to get my hands on some tattoos now, you have inspired me

  6. So artistic and perfect finish ... Love it

  7. im in love with these. im definitely going to try the tattoo technique on my nails :) looking forward to tomorrows post!

  8. Perfection! Incredible how patient you are to use so many different colors to get the perfect base, put it really paid off! I want to get some temporary tattoos for my nails now, too!

    1. its a fairly easy technique, i just wanted it perfect but it wasnt too patience straining!

  9. I love how the design looks, especially because it's matte!

  10. wow this is so awesome! i love tattoo art too! probably one of my favorite manis you've done!

  11. OMG, I love these , the base is brilliant :D

  12. These are by far the most inventive and brilliant nails I think I've ever seen!! I'm totally trying this!! xx

    1. awww - thanks Kirsty! that's very sweet, I'm glad you liked them, please let me know if you try them, would love to see!

  13. These look awesome!! I just got BL Matte and I can't wait to try it!

    1. I've only had experience with the Hard Candy and NYC versions, but the Butter London is far superior to both for sure!

  14. Wow, those nails are awesome! I absolutely love them!

  15. stunning - i think this is my fave mani of yours ever - i'd love to see how you did the base xx

    1. awwww thank you Deb! Next time I do these I will probably get a tutorial happening with it.

  16. Oh my gosh - I love love LOVE this!! Nice work on the sponging underneath, and I love that you made it matte. Very nice!

  17. the matte finish on these is perfect!!

    1. thanks! i think it absolutely gave it the look it needed to have that vintage/aged look of old tattoo flash!

  18. wow that is amazing. those must be some tiny temp. tattoos!

    1. yeah kinda, they are all bigger than my nails, i just chose the smallest elements to add!

  19. These are amazing, and the base is so beautiful!

  20. I love the nails, those are too awesome!

  21. I am BEYOND in love with this mani!!! Where can I get these temp tatts from? All the ones I ever find are huge. I am so gonna have to share this with my nail group. sigh, drool!!!

    1. =)
      thank you, im glad you liked them!
      you can find these little small tattoos by googling blue q tattoos. these are from the tattoos for babies set and here is a link that looks like they are in stock at:


    2. oh my gosh, you're an angel!!! I was just pouting cause I couldn't find them lol Thank you so much!!! Totally just bought them!!! Dont suppose you remember which 6 polishes you used for the background lol

    3. i cant recall exactly but i can tell you shades and you can use those or ones similar:
      light cream (i used a color from born pretty store that is labeled ch nail #13, maybe try something like opi my vampire is buff)
      nude (i know for the nudey shades i used 2 - color club nomadic nude and earthy angel)
      grey (i THINK i used china glaze recycle)
      brown (sinful colors matte nirvana - something mushroomy, not too dark but darker by at least shades to your darkest nude)

      i should probably do a tutorial on this!

    4. sorry that last part should say the brown needs to be at least 2-3 shades darker than your darkest nude choice.

    5. Thank you. Some of these I have, so that helps. Other's I don't but with an almost 300 collection (small I know lol) I have lots to choose from. Thank you again. I can't wait to try this. I'll be sure to give credit to you :)

    6. anytime! excited to see how it turns out! do you have a blog? if so, drop the link here and ill add it to my reading list!

    7. No sorry, I don't have a blog. But I am a fan of your FB page, so I'll be sure to share them on there!!! Got the temp tattoos in today, super excited and some of these are huge lol

    8. awesome - cant wait to see what ya do! yeah some are way too big for nails, but you can always cut them up and and make all your nails be one tattoo! that might be something cool to try out!


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