
30/31 Day Challenge: Day 23 - A Movie

So today is a fun one, the 30 Day Challenge wants me to do nails based on a movie.
So like yesterday, I'm going with my all time favorite...
I kinda want to show you the nails first and then see if you can figure it out.
Though, the movie is written right there on one of the nails, so I guess that's pointless!

I've chosen Fight Club - and this is a weird wallpaper I use on my laptop, but it signifies alot of what the movie is about. If you've never seen it, you really should, the plot goes much much deeper than a bunch of dudes fighting. And it's based on a book by my favorite author, Chuck Palahniuk. So that's a bonus.

So some obviously key points in the movie are blood. And fighting, hence the tooth. Also the parts of the film where Edward Norton is reading medical books in which parts of it he reads out "Jack gets Cancer, Jack dies" and the like. "I am Jack's raging bile duct" and "I am Jacks complete lack of surprise" - it goes on and on. 

Another key aspect of the movie is soap. Making soap, making bombs out of soap. Burning people with soap. Wow, it does sound pretty violent. But you get Brad Pitt without a shirt through like, 91% of the film...

My favorite part - the tooth.

So we've got blood splatters, our bar of fight club soap, the i am jack speech bubble, more blood and the tooth (not shown here) - I like.

So what's your favorite movie?

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  1. Wow I really love these! Fight club is an awesome movie... The book is great too! Good choice

  2. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

  3. How could you do this? Have you forgotten the first rule of Fight Club???

    1. hahahaha!!! omg best thing i've ever read - that was hilarious!

  4. I love this!! I saw Fight Club for the first time last year or so and loved it!

    LOL@ Lindsey Robert's comment!! :D

    1. hahaha its awesome, i love that it's a movie that really transcends time, its over 10 years old and would still pass for a film made today.

  5. Very cool love it and the movie too :D

  6. Fantastic! I love your tooth as well :)

  7. wow this is awesome! i love the tooth!

  8. Dear lord Missy! I didn't think I could love you anymore, and then you did those amazeballs Alkaline Trio nails, and then these!! These are so aweosme.

    And I looove that tooth :D


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