So today starts the REALLY challenging (not to mention FINAL) part of the Nail-Art-A-Go-Go Challenge. I'm EXCITED! And nervous! But these were ALOT of fun, and hopefully everyone else participating thinks so, too.
Today is Surrealism, which is just about my favorite art movement. I didn't realize until after I did these that I mixed up my art movements! This should actually go under Abstract...but oh well. I'm not doing another one!
Today is Surrealism, which is just about my favorite art movement. I didn't realize until after I did these that I mixed up my art movements! This should actually go under Abstract...but oh well. I'm not doing another one!
I knew when the challenge started I would be going with something VERY Surreal ala Dali, or something more Cubist. In the end I opted for the Cubism style because the Surreal style seemed a bit overwhelming and all I could think of was making some weird eggs. Since I already did eggs for Still Life, I didn't want to do that again!
The process here was a little tedious but I think it was pretty worth it. First step was a white base coat.
Then I taped off a strip on each nail to protect the parts that would serve as the black to white areas. Then with a triangular piece of tape, I covered the other half of the nail, placing it in the middle so there were two open triangular areas to paint in, and then I took 2 polishes in each section and sponged/gradiated them.
When those two sections were fully dry, I taped those off and sponged only in the final triangular space, still leaving the area that would later be my black to white area taped off.
Once the color gradiated bits were all dry, I taped them off and went in with the black to white gradient, making sure to get a stark black outline right at the tape line. Maybe I will do a tutorial for this, it sounds much more complex than it really was. It mostly is just a lot of waiting.
All Color Club polishes were used for this - Almost Famous, Chelsea Girl, Pucci-Licious, Wham Pow, Age of Aquarius and Raspberry Rush. Plus black and white.
Nail-Art-A-Go-Go Challenge - Day 22 - Surrealism
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.