
Digit-al Dozen Blue Week - Day 3

Happy Humpers Day!
It's Day 3 of the Blue Theme Week the Digit-al Dozen is doing.
Today I've got another comparison post for you with some MORE blues from my stash.
Can you see the pattern here of me trying to get some of my untrieds swatched?!

From left to right:
Maybelline Denim Dash, Catrice Nautica, Pastel #11, Sinful Colors Rain Storm

As close as they look in the bottle, it's pretty apparent that there is not one dupe in this dusty bunch of blues!

I absolutely LOVE the Pastel and Catrice Blues!!

Each of these polishes shows 2 coats with no top coat. The Catrice Nautica is SOOO shiny! I love the hidden shimmer in Pastel #11, the dustiness of Rain Storm and the gorgeous glass fleck in Denim Dash. I can't even pick a clear winner, they all win on their own merits!

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  1. Ooh great comparisons! That Catrice one is to die for!

  2. Denim Dash stands out, thanks for the comparison.

    1. its a wicked cool polish, i have another mani on friday using it too!

  3. Ooh! These are all gorgeous! But I agree, my fav are the Pastel Catrice blues!

  4. Replies
    1. it is a real beauty - if you have a euro connection i think you might still be able to get it, i know it came out over the summer but its not totally htf yet.

  5. Catrice Nautica looks like how I hoped Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans would look. Love/hate this comparison post at the same time, because now I just want more blues! >.<


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