
Digit-al Dozen Blue Week - Day 5

It's been a fantastic week doing Theme Week for our Digit-al Dozen Group!
I wanted to go out with a bang on this last blue mani - I do like it, but bangworthy? Eh...

One day I was swatching some blues and realized I had three blues all with the same finish and in the  same family and all just a shade or two off.  Thats when this idea was born. Here I've used (from cuticle, to middle to free edge) - Barry M Denim, Face of Australia You Blue Me Away, Maybelline Denim Dash.

I started with the base of Barry M Denim, then I cut some tape in a wave pattern and painted in You Blue Me Away. Waited for that to dry and did the last layer using more tape and Denim Dash.

Finished with a coat of Out the Door Top Coat.

I do like how it gives off a sort of giant water marble look.

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  1. I definitely thought this was a water marble at first. It's gorgeous, I love the subtle-ness of it!

  2. U did such a great job on this. I am loving it!! Colors look so good together!!

  3. I adore this! So subtle but yet so intricate and awesome :) Well done!


  4. Ooh! I really love this! Subtle but then not at the same time! :)

  5. Such a creative tape mani! I feel like abstract designs are sometimes hard to pull off, but this one looks flawless :D

  6. Pretty!!! Love the blues and the gorgeous design.


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