
33DC - Pattern In Home

This one is interesting - 33DC today with the prompt 'Pattern in your home'

Well...geez I don't have many patterns. I dont like a lot of crazy design patterns everywhere, I tend to like bold solids mixed in with leopard print, but who wants to see another leopard print from me, right?

So..instead I decided to pattern after the art in my home.

These are a couple of paintings I have had for many years, I love the Day of the Dead and it shows when you walk in this joint. I have sugar skulls hanging all over the walls that I've painted, lots of muertas and guadalupes and quite a few bride of frankenstein paintings too. Freakshow, I know....

Of course, I might have come up with another plan if this baby hadn't FINALLY shown up at my house this week. This is MoYou plate 11 in the Artist Collection, and hands down the coolest thing I own right now.

So I started this design off with a base of OPI Underneath the Mistletoe, then I sponged on Kleancolor Metallic Orange and Sinful Colors UFO to give it a fiery look to mimic that painting up there on the left.

When dry I stamped different sections of the plate design over the top with China Glaze Passion

After THAT dried I top coated with Wax That by Cult Nails to get a nice sheen without going totally matte or totally glossy.

I think this design was a good interpretation of whats going on at my house - lots of red, lots of dead ladies and skulls and flowers.

I cannot wait to use this plate SO SO SO much!

What's next in the 33DC you ask?
Find out Monday!


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