
Gnarly Gnails is going High Class!

Gnarly Gnails is now gnarlygnails.com
Make sure and update any bookmarks or rss feeds!
It still runs through blogger, and honestly, I'm not sure how this stuff works on the bookmarked/rss feeds end - but I thought I'd let you know in case it matters!

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  1. I believe bookmarks will redirect. I know nothing of RSS feeds.

    One day I might take the plunge and do this. It hardly seems worth it right now when I am just starting out. :)

    1. yeah i guess its no big deal, i registered on register.com and it only cost 99 cents for a year. so yeah, i'd say that it was worth the plunge, if only for my own vanity!

    2. 99 cents?! :O I thought that Google's $10 a year was cheap!

    3. Ooops I feel like I am spamming.

      I just checked out register.com and see that if you want a private domain registration then it is $11 per year. Google say that they automatically register their domains privately. I am sure that is what I want. I think with all of the details I have had stolen by hackers with my credit cards then I can try to be a little more circumspect in splashing my details out there.

    4. good call! yeah i don't much care, if someone wants to steal my identity they can only improve it!

  2. Aww, your blog is all grown up now! :) Congrats! I felt all legit when I bought my domain lol.

    1. Hahaha this totally reminded me of the scene in Swingers when Vince Vaughn is on the table in the diner yelling about his baby is all grows up.
      Thanks! I feel SUPER legit!

  3. Awesome congrats!!! That's so cool to have your own domain!


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