
30/31 Day Challenge: Day 19 - Galaxies

Oh yeah - good times with the galaxy nails.
I did these nails back on February-ish and they were pretty awful.
I've wanted a rematch ever since, but I haven't really allotted the time to sit down and do them, since they are pretty time consuming.
One big reason I have wanted to tackle these again (I mean, besides the obvious that I have to for this challenge!) was that I saw Eva from Coewless do these AMAZING Blue and Green Galaxy Nails a few months ago and I HAD to try them. I love her toothbrush technique! She sure made it look easy, I sure couldn't get that paint to splatter like she did!

So first thing you notice is mine are VERY green based. This  is what I call The Tree Hair Nebula.

After all of the sponging, I tried to splatter silver dots in but it was basically a fail and turned into a splatter. So I dotted them on and added a few starbursts with Konad M14 plate and Essie No Place Like Chrome.

Finished with a coat of Gelous and Out the Door top coat.

Yes, I really did use this many polishes, and in this order.

Check out the rest of the ladies in their galaxies far, far, away!

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  1. Awesome! I haven't tried Eva's technique, but you're right: She made it look really easy :D

    1. she really did. i need to experiment some more with her awesome toothbrush technique!

  2. your greenish galaxy nail rendition is sooo nice! :D absolutely inspired! :D

  3. I love your galaxy nails, these are gorgeous!

  4. what are the odds that you AND Kayla would both use the same design as your inspiration. I love them, but then i did wimp out of this one! xx

    1. haha thats funny. but that tutorial is awesome, im kinda sad more people weren't using it! your galaxy nails look great, if mine hadnt turned out good enough to post i'd have done something similar.

  5. These look awesome! Love this mani!!!

  6. Love love love! Galaxy nails are always amazing! They look so freakin' complicated but aren't really! :)

  7. Holy Cow Monkels! These are insane!
    I hadn't really wanted to try galaxy nails bfore, it just seemed so over done, but wow these have changed my mind 100%


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