
The Weekly MABB Beauty Question


Each Wednesday, the Metro Atlanta Beauty Bloggers will answer a beauty-related question just for fun! This week's question is...

How did you choose your blog name?

Ah - Good Question!
I've always been one for trying to come up with interesting names for things. I've had a couple of handmade businesses and various websites over the years and I always try to name them something very original and unforgettable. When it came to naming my nail blog I just kinda tried to think of words about nails and words that started with the same letter. When I decided keeping it simple at nails would be the best best, I started thinking of words starting with N. Then I took a piece of my California heritage and went with Gnarly!
I decided to spell them both with a G just to really stand out a little more.
But usually, people spell my blog Gnarly Nails anyway - so go figure!

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Be sure to check out the other Metro Atlanta Beauty Bloggers' answers!

Artia from Fat 'nd Fierce
Bridget from Luxe Beauty Forever
Emma from Manicurity
Harri from TrailerHood Chic
Mandy from MandysSecrets
Missy from Gnarly Gnails
Pam from Pammy Blogs Beauty
Quinn from Mama Fashionista
SiSi from SiSi Sparkles

If you would like to see previous questions and answers, you can do so by viewing the Question Archive here.

If you're a beauty blogger in the Metro Atlanta area and would like to join us, please visit our website! We would love to connect with you!

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  1. Seeing as gnarly is a word that is firmly entrenched in my regular vocabulary, I love the name Gnarly Gnails! And the 2 G's definitely make it stand out


I love reading your comments, please feel free to leave one! I can't always respond due to time constraints or pure forgetfulness, but if you have a specific question about something, ask here or email me!