
Swatch & Review - Shimmer Rochelle

Welcome to the last day of Shimmer Week on Gnarly Gnails!
I've saved MY favorite for last.

The lovely Cindy of Shimmer was kind enough to send me a bucketfull of  her beautiful polishes to review.
Since I had so many to work with I decided to swatch them a bit differently. Each of the 10 polishes I have to show you this week will be done as 50/50 Manicures so you can see the base vs. over the base, to see how well these cover. I will walk through the review picture by picture. Let's get started.


I am pairing Rochelle with Orly Solid Gold - pretty much my most favorite gold polish ever on earth.

Cindy from Shimmer describes Rochelle as "Red and Gold glitter polish, with a hint of Copper and..." - Oh yeah - some of my favorite colors all rolled into one! This macro shows off it's fiery awesomeness!

As you may have come to know - here is the famous 50/50 Shimmercure! You like that? Then you must love this! If you are a fan of hot, passionate polishes, this one is for you!

Sorry bout the nubber there, I broke my nail right as I was doing this mani - how typical. Anyway, this  is one thick coat of Rochelle over 1 coat of Solid Gold. How opaque and awesome is the coverage on Rochelle?!

It smooths out so beautifully, too. Look look!

As a sidenote, Orly Solid Gold is a dream polish. It dries matte, is good for stamping and is opaque in one coat.


Rochelle was a polish I was not expecting to like, let alone LOVE!
I have recently become a huge fan of fiery polishes like this, but this is the first one I've ever tried. How weird of me to like anything red and polish related at the same time...but I DO!
And - I also have a good friend named Rachelle (close) so it's kinda cool for that too.  The Shimmer brand is VERY consistent with every single polish you can expect great coverage and an easy peasy application!   They do dry gritty, which is why each one I finish off with a coat of Gelous and then a standard Quick Dry top coat.  Shimmer can be found on Etsy and they retail for $12 per bottle.

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  1. Love it!!! I think this needs to be my first Shimmer. Since my name is actually Richelle.. close enough :)

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