
The MABB Weekly Beauty Question



When we started the Weekly Beauty Question, we intended for it to be a segment on our blogs that would be a unique way to connect with our readers and also help us get to know our fellow group members better. However, since we also have other commitments in addition to blogging, we have reached the decision that we will be answering the MABB beauty questions on a bi-weekly basis for the time being.

Since we always strive to provide you with the best possible content, we feel that by doing the questions bi-weekly we will be able to select more interesting questions and have plenty of time to prepare answers that we know you will just love to read!

We apologize for any disappointment this may cause and thank you for your understanding. The questions will resume next Wednesday, October 10th.


The Metro Atlanta Beauty Bloggers

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Be sure to check out the other Metro Atlanta Beauty Bloggers!

Emma from Manicurity

Harri from TrailerHood Chic

Mandy from MandysSecrets

Missy from Gnarly Gnails

Pam from Pammy Blogs Beauty

Quinn from Mama Fashionista

SiSi from SiSi Sparkles

If you would like to see previous questions and answers, you can do so by viewing the Question Archive here.

If you're a beauty blogger in the Metro Atlanta area and would like to join us, please visit our website! We would love to connect with you!

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I love reading your comments, please feel free to leave one! I can't always respond due to time constraints or pure forgetfulness, but if you have a specific question about something, ask here or email me!