The Neverending Pile Challenge - HAD to Have It...
- Friday, April 25, 2014
I had several different renditions in my brain about what to do for todays prompt for NPC. I even went so far as to use EIGHT of my ILNP Ultrachromes, but I hated how it turned out so I fell back on a mani I did last month and hadn't posted yet, because in the end, I wanted THESE polishes just as much as those ultrachromes!
I had several different renditions in my brain about what to do for todays prompt for NPC. I even went so far as to use EIGHT of my ILNP Ultrachromes, but I hated how it turned out so I fell back on a mani I did last month and hadn't posted yet, because in the end, I wanted THESE polishes just as much as those ultrachromes!
For todays mani I started with a base of Smitten Electric Lime. A polish I coveted for quite some time, because every time I had the money, the polish was out of stock. I finally scored it a few months ago and all was right with the world. For that week.
I stamped a splatter design on in a pink polish to set the base, then I colored it in using another polish I HAD TO HAVE so badly - NailNation3000 Amazeballs. How I came to own Amazeballs is a true nod to how awesome the nail polish community is. It was on my pinterest wishlist and my dear friend Kirsten messaged me saying she had one she was going to blog sale if I wanted first crack at it. A few weeks later, that sucker was mine and I was quite the happy kitty.
There is nothing I love more right now than Neon Holos! So now I have these insanely bright neons in green and pink, which are my favorite neon colors!!
So for this week my total used untrieds is - 7
And for the entire challenge so far - 22
The Neverending Pile Challenge - Had to have it, still haven't worn it
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.