
New Workspace!

Here's something a little different from the typical nail fodder you will find on my blog.
As you may remember, I spent last week/weekend planning out, purchasing, painting and assembling a newish workspace area for my nails.
What started out as a "hobby" last January now appears to be full fledged freakin' obsession, and it shows in my new nail space.

Let's start with what I was working with last August:
2 Melmers for my polish and a plastic drawer unit to hold my supplies.
Shoved into the corner and me, working on the floor with terrible light.

Now let's move ahead to February of this year:
I've now added a 3rd Melmer and painted the shells, drawers and handles. Still working on the floor, but my light has improved some with the purchase of a new Ott lite that doubles as my treatment polish caddy.

NOW - let's see what I'm working with RIGHT NOW:
a 5 foot wide workspace! A chair! Excessive lighting!

A new showcase cube! Actually, I went to Michael's to get a 4th Melmer to do this project, but BOTH of the Michaels near me were out of the 3 drawer unit, so I got this instead. Still has storage - great way to show off my indies and special sets!

Underneath I have a little place for my untried bin and some of my acrylic paints. The rest of my storage (box of small bottles of acrylic paints and my 2 stack storage of nail art supplies)are under my bed.

My tools, scissors, supplies I use all the time like polish remover, acetone, cotton balls, oil, lotion and a few items I need to review are all right at hand.

Side view - here you can see the lighting I installed underneath the shelf above my workspace. 3 new canister lights!

So my thoughts on this are almost all positive.
I did everything myself, painted, installed lights...all of it.
The things about this I don't like are mostly all easily fixed soon.
Because my chair didn't fit under the station, I had to stretch the Melmers further apart to accomodate the chair legs, which meant that the top piece of wood I use as the "table" is now shifted over and doesn't lay flush across the top. I am in the process of getting a smaller chair so I can fix this problem. I love that crappy Ikea chair, but man it is dirty.
I also don't like the fact that my boyfriend lost the on/off switch to my lights before I installed them, so now when I need to use them I have to plug them in/unplug them instead of just flipping a switch. Luckily, my Ott lite has an outlet in the back it, so I just plug it right there!
The best part is I have a chair to sit in, not break my back and great lighting for DOING my nails and for taking PICTURES of my nails!

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  1. What a fabulous workstation. I wish I had the room to do such a thing.


    1. i BARELY do, so it's definitely cool that i was able to work out a space big enough to do this!

  2. That is awesome! I love to see other's workspaces, and to see how yours evolved is interesting. Glad you are not on the floor anymore. I am in my closet on the floor, one day I hope to have a workspace like yours.

    1. haha - that sucks! i told my boyfriend that and he laughed, because that where HE has to work, in the closet, on the floor!

  3. Yay! LOVE the new work space! And thanks for sharing! The nosy part of me always loves seeing other people's makeup/polish spaces! :)

  4. You've created an awesome place for your addiction! :)

  5. im so jealous of your work area, its perfect!

    1. aww thank you. i love it so much! even though since i put it all together i have only used it once!

  6. This looks like a wonderful place to work. I wish I was so organised!

    1. thanks! it wont be so organized once i do a few mani's and i have polishes everywhere! or the first acetone spill!!

  7. Missy, I am totally jelly! The setup looks awesome, and I love your excessive lighting. I have the dining room table, hur. >_<

    1. haha thanks!! the lighting is my favorite part for sure! my old eyes couldn't squint another day!

  8. I'm so insanely jealous of your workstation! My nail polish is stored in my closet and I usually have to carry it in a small basket to where ever I want to do my nails. One day I'll have this...

    1. i know how it feels. its been a struggle to get a stronghold on this much space let me tell you!

  9. How exciting!! Congrats on the new and improved workspace :D It looks fantastic!

  10. Love to see how others set up their workspaces, it's just so interesting and yours is great! Also, you have lighting good enough to take photos instead of needing to wait for a sunny day.. why haven't I bought a light like yours yet?!

    1. you need an Ott lite! I did a post about this awhile ago when I got mine and a tons of ladies I know in polish groups rushed out to get them! I don't know if they still have them, but this light cost me $15 at Walmart and it holds a b8unch of polishes too. Everyone else I spoke to who went and got one said they paid $19 though. Even still...Ott lites run at least 40 or so bucks and they are awesome for task lighting and photo taking!

  11. I got that lamp because of you! I found it at Walmart on clearance for $25 and saw it at a craft store later for $90!!!!

    BT dubs... why your header brokey?

    1. $25 still a good deal! Yeah I've seen that thing go for about $75-$95 on like Joann's website and a few others. Do you love it? Its awesome!
      I dunno about my header, all ok on my end. Let me see if I can check it on some other browsers.

    2. hmmmph. i cleared my cache and have no issues on chrome which is what i use. but i did pull it up on ie and its messed up. not sure what to do bout that, my code is all fine so not sure how long its been like that over there. what browser do you use Lindsey?

  12. In LOOOOOOVE with your Number One Workspace!!!


    PS - also in LOOOOOOVE with your blog! :)


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