
Neon Houndstooth

I've been LOVING the idea of coloring in my stamping designs like an adult coloring book lately.
It's awesome when you can take a standard black or white outline design and color it in to be truly awesome and one of a kind looking, freehand almost! Taking a spin from my Floral Grunge Tutorial, this is another similar technique with the decal part of the tutorial.

Items In This Post:
Konad Special Black Polish
Orly - Hot Shot
Orly - La Vida Loca
Orly - Jealous, Much?
Fingerpaints - Blue Raspberry Taffy
Color Club - The Lime Starts Here
Bundle Monster - BM322 Stamping Plate

How much do I love this mani!? A TON! I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but with challenges and laziness, well, I just now got around to doing it this morning!

The technique is quite simple, though it is time consuming. But now that I have a new workspace setup, I wasn't hunched over on the floor painting and then trying to get back up like a granny afterwards!

Essentially - you top coat a sheet of wax paper making the top coat as big as it takes for as many nails as you want to do this for. Also, an important point, make sure you don't do your designs right up to the edge of the top coat, leave some room to peel it off and have tears.
After the top coat dries, stamp your houndstooth, then fill in the clear places with random neon polishes. When dry, peel off the wax paper and cut to fit your nails.
For this mani, I did two coats of white polish, quick dry top coat and about 10 minutes later I was able to apply a clear polish and apply each decal, one nail at a time.
Cleanup with a brush and acetone and top coated!

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  1. This is the coolest thing ever AND I'm glad to read I'm not the only person who has done their nails on the floor before lol

    1. oh girl...what was I thinking? I did them like that for sooo long!

  2. I was looking at your Facebook images and thinking - whoa, how'd she do that?!
    But this is so simple it is just pure perfection. Nothing less!!!
    Love it love it love it!!!

    1. Super simple...but it IS time consuming coloring in all those little squares different colors. But obviously, so very worth it! Thanks Jin!

  3. I LOVE this! So bright and happy and amaze-balls!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! I had a vision in my head when I started but it turned out SO much better than I thought!

  5. absolutely sensational. And you got a pink leopard print heart shaped PIN ??? gggeessshhh

    1. hahah OBVIOUSLY! You want a matching pin badge for you? YOu know I know someone who can do it!!

  6. This is so creative! Great job!

  7. wow this is amazing! i love that technique too!

    1. Thanks girl! I know, right? Its like, you can do SO much more with your stamping plates now!

  8. This is amazing! Love how you make your own nail wraps!

  9. another awesome mani! This is so cool.

  10. Love it!!! This pattern is one of my favourites, and your neon version is just stunning!

    1. Mine too. I love houndstooth and tweed patterns SO much - I was super excited to put a summery spin on it!

  11. Whoa, that looks great. It almost looks like nail wraps!

  12. These look amazing! And thanks for posting how you did it!

    1. Than you Kas! I try whenever possible to do some sort of walkthrough at the least.

  13. Bad. Ass. I love this so much! I'll let you in on a little secret... I have my own coloring books! My girls know that they are not to mess with momma's markers, crayons or books, lol! You should do it too!

    1. LOL Lindsey! I should...I used to LOVE to color when I was younger. So much. I was a freak about staying in the lines!

  14. Brilliant, Dahling...another mani I must CASE!!! (Copy And Share Everything)

  15. Gah! Seriously amazing, Missy! ♥


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