
It's Raining Something AWESOME!

Nailites around the globe are rejoicing as they receive deliveries of black boxes full of glorious flakies.
I am, of course, referring to Illamasqua's new version of Raindrops...PINK Raindrops.
I waited ever so patiently for this package to arrive, nervous as can be that it wouldn't arrive due to all of the issues with Royal Mail.
But it did, in much faster time than I had expected, no less!
Now...as a person obsessed with nail polish, it is guaranteed that I am procuring polish every week, whether it be a $2 polish from Walgreens or a much more expensive polish I've talked my boyfriend into buying me...most of those arrive home and are immediately welcomed into the bin that I call "Untried Hell".
This polish was never in need of worrying about that sort of fate. Oh no.
This baby knew she was special before she even made it here...I could tell by her careful wrapping and the way the paper in her shipping box cradled her. She's special.

I'm doing a 50/50 Manicure here to show you BOTH Raindrops, so you can see their similarities and differences!


Pink Raindrops is a dusty pink that is much more opaque and thick than the original Raindrops.
Where Raindrops is sheer and almost requires a grey basecoat, Pink Raindrops is flakier, thicker, fuller and shimmerier!
Most reviews I've read about Pink Raindrops have been less than flattering, but I am here to say I love her! When Illamasqua said they were doing a pink version of the original, I couldn't have cared what it was, I was GOING to have it! And I'm not disappointed in the least.
Application was good...it's thick, sure. But it's almost a one coat polish. It's got much more density in the bottle, more flakes, more shimmers, more Oooh La La!
It's a limited time polish - so go get yours quick!!!

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  1. Great post! I have Raindrops and it's still growing on me. The pink is gorg but I'd love to see them do this in other colors.

  2. EEEEE!!! My package with Both of these arrived today! ^_^ I can't wait to put them on! they look great together

  3. Just got mine the other day!!! I love this it's like a comparison and an awesome mani rolled into one!

  4. I have the original Raindrops and I keep thinking I don't need the pink and now you come and spoiled it all for me.
    They look so good on you!! They look so good together!! They look so good!!

    *going to see where I can get that one from*

  5. these are soooo pretty, i love them together!

  6. That's a great idea showing them together!

    I like Pink Raindrops too - I have to say it wasn't what I was expecting when it arrived, but I ended up liking it a lot!

  7. It reminds me of "Raindrops" by Basement Jaxx! It's so damn pretty!


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