It's another week of the amazingly awesome Digital Dozen challenges.
Our group has grown way past a dozen these days, but it just keeps getting better with age, like me.
But seriously...the challenge was ANIMAL and somehow I ended up thinking it was animal PRINT. I was going to re-do most of my mani's until some of the ladies said they were also doing prints, so yay. Crisis averted!
Instead of being creative, I decided, you know what? I love leopard print. So I'm going to do 5 days of different ways to wear a leopard mani.
Polishes In This Post:
BPS Sweet Color - No Name
Candy Lacquer - Cold Hearted
P2 - Artful

Here are the polishes for todays mani.
You may recall this mani looking slightly familiar. I started with the base from an Indie month swatch of Cold Hearted, which you can see HERE.
So atop that base of the Sweet Color lavender shade and Cold Hearted, I took a dotting tool and made my leopard spots with P2 Artful and black polish.
Finished with Butter London Matte topcoat.
I really love that extra interest the underneath glitters give this mani!