
Stash & Workstation Tour

Today is a little something different.
Nory of Fierce Makeup and Nails and I are doing a bit of a twinsy type post and we are both going to show you our stashes/work stations/etc...
I got a bit overzealous with mine, there is a 25 minute video of the entire area and an extensive "review" on my hand care products, and after the video there is a complete photo breakdown of everything inside my storage drawers! Ready!?

So now that the intro is out of the way...here we go!

I also decided to show you all of the polishes that were IN the drawers that were maybe harder to see than my indie stash. These pictures do not include untrieds, only things I've worn and blogged and filed away:

If there is anything in the video or pics you want to know more about, just leave a comment!

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