
PCF - Maundy Thursday

Todays Purple Crumpet Fairy Challenge is for Maundy Thursday.
I'll be honest, when I saw the list, I said What the H is Maundy Thursday?!
So I jumped over to Wikipedia and did a little research. My boyfriend was peeping over my shoulder as I was researching and wanted to get involved too. He loves history and he loves England - so he thought this was pretty cool and after awhile he was on his laptop ebaying Maundy coins!
For those who don't know the history like me, here is a brief synopsis of this holiday:

The Maundy Thursday celebrations in the United Kingdom today involve the Monarch (since 1952, Queen Elizabeth II) offering "alms" to deserving senior citizens (one man and one woman for each year of the sovereign's age). These coins, known as Maundy money or Royal Maundy, are distributed in red and white purses. This custom dates back to King Edward I. The red purse contains regular currency and is given in place of food and clothing. The white purse contains currency in the amount of one penny for each year of the Sovereign's age. Since 1822, rather than ordinary money, the Sovereign gives out Maundy coins,[46] which are specially minted 1, 2, 3 and 4 penny pieces, and are legal tender. The service at which this takes place rotates around English and Welsh churches, though in 2008 it took place for the first time in Northern Ireland at Armagh Cathedral. Until the death of King James II, the Monarch would also wash the feet of the selected poor people.

So, I had this awesome theme in my brain of doing gold since the coins are gold, or sometimes gold...was to stamp off an actual English coin, which my boyfriend had from his trip to England. Well it was easier said than done. Not to mention, upon execution, my union jack smeared!
The gold is The Balms Hot Ticket Polish in Goldfinger. The black and white are art stripers and then theres some hand placed black hex glitter on the index too.
The thumb is the queen off the head of a 10 pence
Index is black hex glitters in a messed up polka dot pattern
Middle is the union jack
Ring is the tails part of the 10 pence, a lion, which totally did not come out well at all.
And the pinky is a money sign.

Oh well...maybe another time when I have more patience I will give this another go.

Please visit these other fine PCF Blogs for more amazing challenge mani's!
Fancy Phalanges
The Crumpet
Purple Fairy Dust
PishPosh & Polish
Bee Polished
Obsessive Compulsive Nail Painting Disorder
Confessions of a Nail Polish Junkie
Happy Nails
Tales of Knit and Nails
The Girl with Rainbow Hands
No Junk Nail
Only Always Soccermom
The Nail Newbie
Polish Me Lovely
Munia's Nails
Geeky Owl
Fanning the Fumes
ColorSplash Nails
okay now joy!
MeMa's Mani's
Angelina's Nails & More
Persistently Glittery

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