
Stashapalooza - Drawer 1!

Weird title, right? Sorry, I'm weird if you haven't glimpsed that about me yet!
This is a small series on.....my stash.
I figured it would be a nice filler for the days I don't have nails to post.

So today's Stash Pic is of my OPI & China Glaze collection.
They happen to be my Melmer (1 of 2) Top Drawer.

These are my OPI's, Sephora by OPI and my lone Nicole by OPI.
They share a drawer in my melmer with my China Glaze collection.
They are holding steady at 35. Just like me! (I wish)

And now on to China Glaze...

Currently at a count of 39! I think I own more China Glaze than any other brand. But I won't know that for sure until I count my Kleancolors and Color Clubs!

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  1. OMG, amazing collection, I think I've got near 20 CG and I need more and more LOL

  2. God, you make me feel like a hoarder. I have 110 China Glazes currently.

    1. haha dont feel bad! ive only been into nail polish for 3 months, im sure 3 more months and itll be more than double what i have now!

  3. Nice! I only have 4 or 5 NOPI and I don't use them! :) Oh and I love you post title! :)


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