
I'm Down with Brown AKA My Love for Santorum!

I knew when I ordered Manglaze's Santorum last month that it would change my life.
So, all jokes aside, it's awesome. And I had an idea to use it with gold. So what I did was taped off my nails in a fishnet pattern with striping tape, painted some nails with Santorum and some with Orly Luxe and then variated by sponging the opposite color over the tape.

This last one is a Matte shot, I always go both ways!

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  1. I love this effect! I've just ordered some striping tape, and will definitely be trying this! :)

    1. striping tape is almost my #1 favorite investment into my nail art supply. I use it SOOO much (and its SO cheap!)

  2. I just received Santorum a few days ago. It's so awesome!

    1. it is - the hidden sparkle in it when you top coat it is so wicked!

  3. How have I never seen Your blog before today!?
    I love this, I love your style, this entire blog!
    Count me in as your follower! ;D

    1. thank you so much! im just a little blog starting out - i totally appreciate your sweet words!! and welcome to the madness!

  4. all of the above with me as well... love your nails <3 <3


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