
Epic Nail Mail Part One

Apologies again for my lack of posts - I'm hoping to have a new laptop in the next few days if all goes according to plan. So in the meantime...here's some nail mail spam!

Hot Ticket Polish pack I picked up at Marshalls

Another polish pack I found at Ross, great for frankening!

Some indies - NerdLacquer, Nostalgic Lacquers in Andie and Jem and Whimsical Ideas by Pam in Seuss and My Friend Carol.

Color Clubs - Fashion Addict, Wild at Heart & Worth the Risque (Holo Heavens!)

Up Colors Azul Disco & Hits Hera (more Holo Heavens!)

China Glaze Rodeo Fanatic & Goin My Way?, Orly Au Champagne & Kleancolor Golden Nightmare

Julep April It Girl Maven Box

Cosmetic Arts Neon Polishes I found at Ross for $1 each.

Thanks for reading - Happy Easter!!

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