
Some Holo Playtime!

So the other day I posted a dotticure I did with a sponged gradient base of 2 holos.
It was pretty awesome and I'd really wished almost as soon as the first dots went on that I'd have taken a photo of the holo gradient. Oops.
So I did one better, and I gradiated ALL of the holos I have!

A England Saint George into Hits Hera

Color Club Revvvolution into Color Club Worth the Risque

Color Club Wild at Heart into Color Club Fashion Addict

OPI DS Extravagance into Milani Hi Res

Up Colors Azul Arco Iris into Nubar Absolute

OPI DS Classic into Milani 3D

So yeah, this is my new favorite thing. Ever.

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  1. This is such a cool idea- I've never come across something like this! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great Gradients!!! I think my faves are the Color Clubs--Wild At Heart and Fashion Addict as well as St George and Hera!!!

  3. lol ... but seriously, they all look great xx

  4. Gorgeous gradients! I love all of these!

  5. I just need to get myself that A England at some point! :)


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