
Allow Me to Introduce You to Blade....Laser....Blazer...

Here I go again with these bizarro titles, right?
It's a line from the movie Dodgeball...almost every time I hear the word Laser, I think of White (Ben Stillers character) introducing his team of misfits. I can never get enough of slapsticky comedies like Dodgeball.

Today's mani is one of my favorites to do...the laser/tape mani.
I know, I do it all the time! But the reason I did this one AGAIN so soon since my last one is because I saw this awesome version from Nicole of Nail Polish Wars and it sparked my creativity to do this color scheme.

My version used Kleancolor Melon Green as the base and then Color Club Revvvolution on top. After doing this I am in desperate needy realization that I need more duochromes! I have like 3 and I didn't like any of them for this mani!

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  1. WOW !!

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  2. Love this!! I can't wait for my tape to come in so I can attempt this :D

    1. striping tape was the best thing i ever bought for nail art!

  3. Pretty! I love duochromes too, just bought way too many duochromes off eBay!

    1. oh yeah? i need to get some so bad, that is my next hunt!

  4. i looove the movie dodgeball!!! is it necessary to drink my own urine? no but its sterile and i like the taste! i should go watch it..

    anyway i love you nails, the colors are perfect

  5. Love the title of this post and the mani!

  6. This looks awesome on you!! I'm so glad you tried it! Thank you so much for the "shout out"!!! :D


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