
Eight Crazy Nights, Or Just this ONE....

So - here we are at the final day of Indie Month. I've managed to get through every untried Indie in my stash, as well as re-visit a couple of favorites. I've saved what I think is the best mani for last - everything about it just came together so wonderfully. Of course, when I look back on the month I will have to choose a favorite, but as of today, it may be this one.

Polishes/Items In This Post:
Girly Bits - Eight Crazy Nights
Revlon - Smoky Canvas
Cosmetic Arts - I Blue It Up
Bronze Studs

We have a trio on our hands today, literally. Revlon Smoky Canvas, which I got for a score at Walgreens a couple weeks ago (like $1.25 score!), Cosmetic Arts I Blue It Up and Girly Bits Eight Crazy Nights.

The macro of Eight Crazy Nights is PACKED with silver, holographic and multiple shades of blue glitter in mostly hex, but also some squares and a few diamonds.

OMG I die at how much I love this polish over this awesome dirty mushroom that is Smoky Canvas. I also adore how it pairs with the blue in I Blue It Up. I tried a few color combos before I finally felt comfortable settling on this one.

Formula on Eight Crazy Nights was awesome. This is 2 light coats - and check out that groovy holo diamond there!

Here is a matte version in macro - tiny micro glitters!!

Obviously, tape mani on the ring and thumb and I also used a bronze stud from a container I bought of them from Michaels. Butter London matte top coat over these last 2 pics.

So I have 2 Girly Bits polishes and it's clear I need some more of them. They apply awesome and are made by a super nice lady named Pam. Pam's always make the best polishes I swear.
Check Girly Bits out here:

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  1. Love how that turned out! It looks fantastic with and without the matte topcoat!

    1. thanks! yeah this is one of those few times i like both finishes a whole lot!

  2. Replies
    1. thanks! it reminded me of the x men after i did it, haha!

  3. 0h my wow, this is UNBELIEVABLY awesome xx

  4. This combination is so awesome! I especially love it shiny. :)

  5. Replies
    1. i knoooow...it was a polish i found in a clearance bin for like 1.25 and im so in love with it.

  6. gorgeous glitter, i love that mani!

  7. As gorgeous as the glitter is....your thumb and ring finger are amazing!

  8. Oh my heavens I LOVE this!!! in a HUGE way!!
    I just may have to try this out ♥

  9. I love that you went with a matte finish! This combo is just gorgeous!


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