
Toxic Luck Manicure

I knew at some point I was going to need to work in a St. Patty's Mani alongside the Indie Month challenge I'm doing - so this is the one!

I got the idea for this from More Nail Polish so make sure and stop by her blog for awesome on the cheap manicures you can do with household items!

For todays Indie Polish I have chosen Cult Nails Toxic Seaweed - accompanied by Orly Buried Alive and Butter London British Racing Green!

I admit to this not being my best macro because I got the words from the bottle in there, but the reason I chose this image is so you could see that awesome flakie color shift to the far right. Woosh. Sorry though, this polish is discontinued - I only managed to score it in a swap last year with Elizabeth from Nail Polish is My Crack! This polish is a greenish blue jelly base with green and gold holographic glitter and flakies that shift to every awesome color in the ocean. This polish is VERY aptly named.

I'm doing a rare thing today - showing you both hands. Yes, I liked this mani so much I did it on both my hands, which is about as rare as seeing a unicorn.

So - I did a base of Orly Buried Alive (the brown) - then I sponge-gradiented with it and Butter London's British Racing Green. Then I sponged the tips with Toxic Seaweed.

For the clover nail - I took a clover I pressed in a book yesterday.
I polished my accent/feature nail with Orly Buried Alive, 2 coats, then I added a top coat and applied my clover very carefully. 

You gotta be so careful with the clover, it wants to stick up every which way I swear. Once I managed to get him to stay put, I finished him with a coat of Gelous and the full mani got a swipe of Color Club 0-60 topcoat.

I am loving Cult Nails - I have a handful of polishes from their line and I think I should have 1 or 2 more of them to show you this month!
You can find Cult Nails at the following internets:

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