
You're Never Too Old for Prom!

At least that's what I always tell myself!
So today I have an Indie Review for you.

Laura from Polish Addict has graciously sent me a sample of one of her new spring polishes so let's check this beauty out!

Here is Spring Prom Queen - and I am showing you this lovely lady solo today!

Macrotime! Woo! Spring Prom Queen is a whitish pink (reminds me of OPI Bubble Bath) cream jelly base with neon matte pink glitter and hearts, neon dark pink glitter, matte white hex, bars and rectangles! Super loving the rectangles! But I didn't see or get any hearts this go round. 

Shown here at 3 coats + Gelous + Butter London Quick Dry Topcoat.

I'm really loving those reddish pink glitters in there, the combination of glitters in this polish is really cute and perfect for spring.

Formula on this polish was nice, the glitter was sparse coming out of the gate but after three coats it looks perfect. I like polishes like this that you have to build up, makes it not such a pain when the glitter isn't immediate because in the end it's JUST the right amount.

Here is a matte shot after I added Butter London matte topcoat. Woo - thats a beauty!

Check out Polish Addict:

Polishes retail for $9-$10 and she also sells cuticle oils!

*this item was sent to me for my honest review*

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