
Friday Night!

I had actually planned to post this last weekend, but then I thought, oh my gosh dude, post it on FRIDAY and totally blow EVERYONE'S minds!

Whatever...check this out.

Polishes In This Post:
Maisie Shine - Friday Night

Bottle shot of Friday Night - sent to me by Sassy Shelly last year for helping her with some blog stuffs.

Macrotime! Oh my, what is THIS?! A blackened grey jelly base with various sizes of magenta, teal, blue and purple glitters. I love polishes like this where the base is dark but the glitter doesn't get buried in it - trust me, it happens, and it's gross.

For Friday Night, I added an accent nail of a nail wrap design. It was actually one of those freebies that came in the premiere issue of Nail It! Magazine
Here I have shown Friday Night at two coats with an additional coat of Gelous under Color Club 0-60 topcoat.

This polish is everything I love - black, pink and teal! Ugh! It's like a GOTHIC EASTER EGG!!

You won't find me showing you a polish without a matte topcoat in here!

This polish was really nice in application and formula, no complaints on this I tell ya.
So go check out Maisie Shine - they are not a new Indie and really have a great line of polishes!

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  1. I'm with you - I also hate it when the base drowns the glitter. I love this one! :)

    1. yeah thats just yuck. why don't polish makers test them better when that happens?

  2. Nice!! I love the accent nail too. I need to check out her shop.

    1. do! she has awesome polishes...i need to check her shop out too actually! been awhile since i was looking!


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