
You know what I love....?

This may be a random rave post I do from time to time called 'You Know What I Love?'
In which I will go on and on about something ridiculous.

Today - you know what i love?
Being at work and checking all of my tracking numbers on packages I'm expecting and trying to figure out how much stuff is going to be waiting for me when I get home!! I know my Llarowe order is there, Julep, Whimsical Ideas by Pam and I think a bottle of Kleancolor! Not bad for one day!

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  1. I love doing this as well, I especially love when my packages come in on the same day I feel like I hit the jackpot.....even though I paid for it all.

  2. me too!! its like twice as fun as regular shopping - you get the rush from buying it and then you get it again when it all arrives! i think so much came today it probably didnt even fit in my mail box!

  3. Online shopping is the best. It's like christmas when they come in. I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see what you got!

  4. I loveeee getting packages! It's so much fun!


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