
Holy Haularoni.

After this weekend, it is evident I may need to go on a no-buy soon!
No pics...but look at everything I ordered this weekend and then at the end, tell me which you'd like to see posted about!

up colors - azul arco iris holo
hits - hera
catrice - sold out forever
catrice - londons weather forecast
catrice - birdy reloaded
catrice - browno mars
catrice - genius in the bottle
catrice - acid/dc
catrice - heavy metalilac
catrice - wrapped around my finger
catrice - its rambo no 5
whimsical ideas by pam - seuss
whimsical ideas by pam - my friend carol
china glaze - rodeo fanatic
china glaze - goin my way?
orly - au champagne
american apparel - smoke dazzle
american apparel - macarthur park
american apparel - meteor shower
nostalgic lacquer - andie
nostalgic lacquer - jem
color club - fashion addict
color club - worth the risque
color club - wild at heart
nerdlacquer - nebula
kleancolor - golden nightmare
tonymoly - shooting star
tonymoly - pinky star
and the march julep it girl box with 3 polishes.
deborah lippmann - sweet dreams
deborah lippmann - yellow brick road
china glaze - zombie zest

now you see the reason i need a no-buy!?

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  1. WOW! Go you! That's awesome! I think you should do a tonymoly polish. I don't know much about that brand! :)

  2. Sweet Baby Jesus! I hope my upcoming haul falls short of your list...LOL (Yes, I did preplan a haul...LOL)

  3. Oh my goodness, I thought I was bad this weekend my list didn't even come close to yours. Yay I'm excited to see all swatches coming soon!

  4. I'm going through a no-buy right now and it's not healthy lol
    Whimsical ideas by pam - seuss sounds interesting.


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