
Double Vision - Blackened Blue/Green

As I've now got my entire stash swatchicled up, I find I have lots of dupes or close dupes. 
The funny thing is, today I found myself buying a shade not realizing it was close to something I already had, and then turning around at the very next store and buying almost exactly the same color BECAUSE I wanted to see if it was a dupe for something I had. What a weirdo.
Basically...I was at Icing. The girl at Icing says "hey, over HERE we have these marked down 5 for $10" well nothing wowed me there TOO much, but I did see this color called Witch's Brew that seemed kinda cool. I got a few other shades also, that'll be another post.
So then I'm in Rite-Aid looking for Sinful Colors since I've recently found out that they have it and they have different core colors than Walgreen's does. So I see this color called What's Your Name, and I think to myself, hmmmm...this looks eerily similar to China Glaze Smoke & Ashes, I'm gonna buy it just to see if it is.
Then I get home and realize I bought almost the exact same shade at Icing without realizing it.

Let's Go!

China Glaze Smoke & Ashes Bottle Shot

Icing Witch's Brew Bottle Shot

Sinful Colors What's Your Name Bottle Shot

Bottom line - they're close but no cigar!
Icing Witch's Brew is pretty much straight up green glitter/shimmer in a black base.
CG Smoke & Ashes is black base with green & blue microshimmers that are hard to see if not close up on it.
SC Whats Your Name is black base with more prominent shimmers that range between green, blue and purple.

My favorite is definitely the Sinful Colors What's Your Name.

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