
Julep It Girl Maven Box for February 2013

Hey Gang!
My Julep Maven box arrived yesterday in yet again, lickety split time.
I didn't have much planned for today so I figured I would do a little unboxing for you.

First up, lets see what I went with this month:

So I chose the usual, It Girl. It always consists of 3 polishes, and me being the uber polish skank I am, I want them ALL! This month we also got a free full size bottle of a new Julep Offering - Freedom Top Coat. They also had another new product out this month, Oxygen Nail Treatment, which I added on and ships separately. So I will have a separate post on that when it comes in (which is today).

Now lets see the goods in all their glory:

At first site - gorgeous gold tissue paper and the Julep literature cards that come with every box.

I've opened the tissue paper to reveal! A golden goodie bag, Freedom top coat in a cute box and my polishes wrapped in their usual paper bag and ribbon ensemble. Also some yum yum chocolate heart candies and the always lovely crinkle paper stuffing.

Here is everything unwrapped. Most every month Julep sends a little surprise gift in the box - this month it is a little travel eyelash curler. Pretty cute idea. Personally, I will never sway from my Shu Uemura curler, but it's a nice touch nonetheless, and perfect for travel or in your going out bag!

Here are the polishes that were available for the It Girl program this month, along with who they were inspired by:
Rebel - Named after Rebel Wilson, a stunning silver holographic
Joan - Named after Joan Crawford, a gorgeous plum rose with gold shimmer
Marion - Named after Marion Cotillard (love her!), a stunning teal blue with silver shimmer

A great shot of all that shimmer!

Freedom Top Coat, a polymer topcoat that cures with regular light that mimics a gel finish.

This is probably the best box I've ever gotten from Julep - I love every single color to pieces, and I did a test on the Freedom Top Coat that I will show you later!!

Hope you enjoyed - you can become a Julep Maven by clicking HERE to sign up with their little style quiz. You can receive your first Maven Box for Just ONE PENNY using code PENNY (the codes may be old and outdated, so if that doesnt work, try COLOR2012 or FREEBOX).

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  1. Mine (Classic w/a Twist) arrived yesterday too !! OOOOOh I want to see Marion :)


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