
Nail-Art-A-Go-Go - Day 3 - Warm vs. Cool

Here comes Day 3 of the Nail-Art-A-Go-Go Challenge! As this publishes I am somewhere in Nashville enjoying a concert! Its been like FOREVER since I went to an actual concert and not just a show in a bar - plus its one of my oldest favorite bands, The Pixies. So needless to say, I had to schedule this because we will be home late, I hope we're having fun!
Anyway none of that has to do with today, but you know, I have to have some different intros to these posts from time to time!  Let's check out what todays prompt is and what I did!

So today we are on the Warm vs. Cool prompt. As with most challenges, its all in your own perception on how you take on the prompt. For today I took it on as a combo and did Warm AND Cool in the ultimate VERSUS showdown!

So I've got my warm tones here with the nude/browns and then the cool tones with the blues. I love how it has a cool beachy theme going on, too.

My nude nails are a combination of OPI Liquid Sands in Silent Stars Go By and It's All San Andreas's Fault as a gradient. Then the leopard on top was done with Manglaze Santorum.

The blue nails were done in a combination of OPI Liquid Sands in Tiffany Case and Wharf! Wharf! Wharf! as a gradient. The leopard on top was done in Color Club Williamsburg.

I really loved the way the glittery sands and the creme sands blended together in these gradients, what do you think? Could you tell that the tips of the gradients were creme textures and not glittery?


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