
Victorian Cameo Mani

Today I've got a cute little decorative piece to show you.

When I first saw these adorable little cameo-esque nail decorations from KKCenterHK, I knew I had to try them out!  They completely reminded me of some little victorian jewelry!

Let's see what they're all about!

KK CenterHK - BlueSea Oval Brown Floral Nail Decorations (2 pk)

Here is a comparison so you can see the size of these decorations against an american nickel. If you have small nails this might be too big, but this fit fine on my ring finger with room to spare all around it. These are available HERE and retail for $4 for a package of 2. At publishing this design was sold out, but if you check HERE you can find the large assortment they carry. And check the bottom of this post for a coupon code, as always!

For this mani, I'm using Color Club Nomadic in Nude and Sally Hansen Olive Branch.

For the ring accent I simply dotted some dots in nude to make a sort of pendant to visually hold the cameo. For all of the other nails I used some round studs I got from Born Pretty Store.

The cameo itself is made of a hard plastic, it does not bend and therefore it does stick up off of your nail a good deal. I found these to be cool for photo purposes, but for everyday wear I don't think you'd want to deal with how easily they could come off your nail. They are definitely more of a novelty item, but awesome all the same!
So what do you think of this mani? Does it pull off the victorian cameo look?

Here is a coupon code you can use to receive 10% OFF any order you place with KKCenterHK:

**some products in this post were sent to me for free by the company of their pr firm in exchange for my honest review**

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  1. love game of thrones style

  2. I love the colours you chose for this. That said, a stiff sticky-outy cameo would drive me bananers, too.

  3. You pull it off well! I love the dotting you did for the nail decor, genius idea :D

  4. Great cameo! But yeah, I'd probably get that stuck on everything:( Looks great though!

  5. This is so cute I adore it. I love anything remotely Victorian looking!

  6. Wow, I really like this! Love the little frame you created for the cameo - definitely gives it a nice effect :)


  7. Love it. It is so different and stylish! If there were a cameo that was bendable (is that a word? If not, it is now :P) for nails, it would be absolute perfection.

  8. wow i love this!!

  9. Very vintagy! And this is the first time I got a chance to see the new blog look. Love it!! Your polish bottle in the middle is very cute :)

  10. This is so cute, I love the colour match to the decoration they look so good together.

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  12. yep, i wish they were flexxy. better left for using on jewelry or something.

  13. yeah its like the perfect shape and amount of off the nail to catch everything and then some!

  14. i KNOW! i really hope they invent this said bendy thing, we need!!!

  15. awww thanks denise! another labor of love!

  16. The flora design works really well with the deep green olive!


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