
Digital Dozen Tape Week Day 5 - Shrektastic


Tape Week sees its finale today...it's been fun and I love tapes, but I'm glad its done. Sometimes 2 theme weeks back to back takes it out of me and this did it!

I'll be glad to relax a bit and get to doing some swatching and a few reviews I have lined up for you guys.

So let's get into it.

For todays mani I called out all of the matte texture polishes I own - which is 3. Ha. I love texture but I much prefer the sparkling variety - though matte ones are growing on me and have their own purpose. So for this mani I used (from left to right):
Sally Hansen Sugar Coat - Bubble Plum
Milani Texture - Shady Gray
Sally Hansen Sugar Coat - Lick-O-Rich
OPI - Did It On Em

My base is OPI Did It On Em, which was tucked away in my untried box but I swear I've worn it? I don't know how I couldn't have before now. Anyhowz...when dry, I taped!

I was excited for this mani, but my original idea was to do it on a white base and I kind of wish I'd stuck to that plan...the green is fun but the pink is a little too purple and makes the combination just a bit less cool than I would've liked.

So yeah - goodbye tape. Til we meet again!

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