
Ebalay White Matte - Swatch & Review with a BONUS!

Hey you guys!!!!
I am super pumped up tonight!
I have been counting down the days for awhile now until the new season of Arrested Development would be back and that time is sooo close! I mean it's so close I might actually go to sleep after I post this so I can wake up at 3am and watch the entire thing in one sweep!
Sadly - I had kind of planned to do an AD mani for the occasion  but I got too busy today and didn't get to it. I suck.
But this mani is good!

KKCenterHK - Ebalay White Matte Polish

Ebalay White Matte Polish. It's available from KKCenterHk HERE and retails for $6.92

At 1 coat. Streaky, standard white polish application.

At 2 coats - looking better with just a few rough spots. 

3 coats is where it's at. It's not a very good self-leveling polish so application is key here. But it's a great white and the matte is nice. Formula is a tad on the thick side as opposed to just right, but not anything to worry about. All in all I was really impressed with this and am going to try stamping with it next.

And now for your bonus! I stamped over it with OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and Born Pretty stamping plate QA56. I loved how the slight greyness of MBSW gave it just the subtlest design. It's a great way to see the difference in this versus a white polish, too!

If you'd like to purchase this Ebalay White Matte Polish - make sure and use my coupon code for 10% OFF!

**some products in this post were sent to me for free by the company or their pr firm in exchange for my honest review**

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  1. plain white it mis something maybe Jack skeleton as Accent nail :)

  2. love that subtle yet pretty design!

  3. I don't think I'll ever sick of the matte look :)

  4. i love this! i can't believe this is white on white - its like an eggshell


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