
Chirality - Cereal Killer Collection Part Two!

I have an awesome collection review here guys!!

I was somehow under a rock for the first one or something, but Chirality is back with a sequel for her stunning first Cereal Killer Collection - with Part Two!

I'm just gonna say it now - I love it all!!
The names, the polishes, the entire air that surrounds this collection just makes me happy.

Items In This Post:
Chirality - Apple Jack the Ripper
Chirality - Frosted Speck
Chirality - Starkweather Pops
Chirality - Gacy Charms

Mini Bottle shots of the collection.
The names of these polishes are pure genius - what a fascinating idea to take something so vile and disturbing as mass murder, and turn it into something cheeky and beautiful!

First up is Apple Jack the Ripper. Possibly one of the most famous and first serial murderers, this polish is named after the infamous Jack the Ripper. I'd be hard pressed to find anyone over the age of 25 who doesn't know who this is.
Jack the Ripper is the best-known name given to an unidentified serial killer who was active in the largely impoverished areas in and around theWhitechapel district of London in 1888. The name originated in a letter, written by someone claiming to be the murderer, that was disseminated in the media. The letter is widely believed to have been a hoax, and may have been written by a journalist in a deliberate attempt to heighten interest in the story. Other nicknames used for the killer at the time were "The Whitechapel Murderer" and "Leather Apron".

Apple Jack the Ripper is a base of a milky whitish yellow and just packed with green and gold glitters. I even spied some more tealish large circles - there is a LOT of glitter here and it's made entirely of hex, squares and circles as far as I could tell. 

This is a base of white and 2 coats of Apple Jack the Ripper, plus top coat.

The polish applied nicely, glitter dispersion was easy to get out of the bottle. It tended to go on thickly because there is SO much glitter, so use a careful hand here.

I was surprised to see those large circles - they were way cool!

Next up we have Frosted Speck. Named after Richard Speck, a guy that is not quite as famous as Jack the Ripper and generally not a recognizable name. But just as terrifying.
Richard Franklin Speck (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.

Frosted Speck is a peachy milk base with many shapes of white glitters and also some iridescent holo small glitters! Quite demure!

Frosted Speck is shown here over a base of white, again, only 2 coats shown here and a coat of top coat. This was a surprise favorite, I really loved how the peach played against the white glitters.

There is also a hint of holo iridescent glitters in here that will catch the light and flash a beautiful lilac or blue on occasion! This polish was easy to maneuver in formula and glitter ratio.

Gacy Charms. Oh we all know who this one is named after. Another super famous serial killer.
John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (March 17, 1942 â€“ May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer, also known as the Killer Clown, who was convicted of the sexual assault and murder of a minimum of 33 teenage boys and young men in a series of killings committed between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois.

Gacy Charms has quite a lot going on. I can't even begin to tell you what is in here, look at the picture and then imagine about 5 more colors and shapes on top of that. Every coat left me seeing a new thing I didn't even know was in it.

2 coats of Gacy Charms over white and topped with top coat. There are stars in every color you can think of it seems like. And there interesting black bars that reminded me of minus signs. And hearts. And circles. And then all kinds of colors of random hex pieces. It is seriously like a box of Lucky Charms on acid. If cereal could do acid.

This polish came slightly thicker than I'm comfortable with applying. This is sometimes the case with mini bottles so I don't know how the formula on the full sizes is.  I used a little bit of thinner on this to get it to a workable liquid for me. Which then made it slightly harder to get glitters on my brush with the thinner base, and STILL you can see how much glitter I got. These things are all really packed with the good stuff.

When I unwrapped this bottle, I seriously thought it would be hands down my favorite of the pack. But nope...it was this next guy.

Starkweather Pops. Such a perfect name for this polish, it absolutely reminds me of Corn Pops!
Charles Raymond Starkweather (November 24, 1938 â€“ June 25, 1959) was an American teenaged spree killer who murdered eleven people in the states of Nebraska and Wyoming in a two-month murder spree committed between December, 1957 and January, 1958.  All but one of Starkweather's victims were killed between January 25 and January 29, 1958 (the date of his arrest). In all the murders committed in 1958, Starkweather was accompanied by his 14-year-old girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate.  Starkweather was executed seventeen months later; Fugate served 17 years in prison before her release from incarceration in 1976.

Starkweather Pops has a white base, whether its got a yellow tint or not would be hard for me to say, there is a PLETHORA of glitter in this that would make it impossible for me to tell if the base was colored or the glitter was just reflecting on it. Who cares, it is freaking stunning. Its full of yellow and gold glitters in squares and hex, maybe some other stuff, its just too much to know!

Tell me this doesn't look like a bowl of Corn Pops in milk?? I love that all of these have that white base that looks like milk to really pull the whole cereal theme together. This is 2 coats over a white base and top coat. How funny there was one random green piece of glitter in my bottle, do you see it on my pointer? I almost took it off there when I saw it, but I thought it was kinda fun and left it.

Formula was really good on this one.
Glitter payoff is insane on this guy. This was without a doubt my favorite!

Now - you guys know I'm a weirdo.
I am so in love with this collection.
The idea that someone took a bunch of random evil murderers and turned them into silly cereal named nail polishes is possibly the best thing I've ever heard of.
As someone who once wanted a career in the forensic sciences and loves everything involved with the criminal mind of murderers, I couldn't ask for a more awesome theme for a collection of polish!
But the novelty ends at the names.
These are polishes that will truly stand the test of time, with excellent quality and design.
After swatching this collection I seriously want to purchase full sizes of parts one AND two!

The Chirality Cereal Killer Collection (Part Two) is being restocked Saturday May 18th at Noon (PST).
Don't miss it!

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**items in this post were sent to me for free by the company or their PR firm in exchange for my honest review**

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  1. FINALLY! I feel like I have been the only blogger that talks about the serial killers! You HAVE to get part one! I mean one is called Dahmer Crunch. It is hilarious! I love your swatches and loved this post! <3

  2. Don't forget me Brittany lol! I share in this obsession with you haha! Missi, these are GORGEOUS swatches and I cannot wait to get my hands on these.

  3. Nice! Gacy Charms is a winner!

  4. Gacy Charms is amazing! i love the theme behind these!

  5. I love your posts and personality, you are so unique compared to other nail bloggers :D
    Gotta say Apple Jack the Ripper is my favorite .

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  7. These are great! I specially like Apple Jack the Ripper - the combination of green and white is super. And I love the delicacy of Frosted Speck!

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  9. there is so much different green glitter in that polish and it all works so well together!

  10. awww - thank you! i really like to hear that, i definitely don't consider myself the run of the mill blogger/person!

  11. thanks! did you get in on em!? they're amazing!

  12. Got em all!! Can't wait to get them :)

  13. Oooh I'm SO getting Gacy Charms!
    There was an episode of American Horror Story where they reenacted one of the Richard Speck murders... which are sososo dark but that polish seems so sweet (maybe it's a nod towards the sweet & innocent nurses he picked). Anyways, this whole line of polishes is a horror-nerd-lady's dream! Thanks


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