
Putting out my feelers!

Hey I'm back again!
I have some content revisions I am working on for the blog in the next month.  Once things die down with the giveaways I am working on, I want to add some new content to the blog, and I would like your input.

Anything that was a regular feature in the past (aka before i went on hiatus) is now gone. This includes Saturday Summary and Interviews with Indies. The summary got to be too much to keep up with, and the Interviews seem to be getting done by other bloggers, so I will leave them to it.

I wanted to do a focus more on THIS blog and also on OTHER bloggers.

So one focus for THIS blog - is to start a feature called Back in Time.
This feature will entail me doing a once a month manicure where I pick one of my manicures from the same month a year in the past and re-do it. Lord knows I have plenty of yucky 'new blogger manis' to revisit.

Another feature I am looking to introduce to the blog is to feature a sister blog on my site.
Essentially, each month I will run a rafflecopter you can enter to be featured on my blog. At the end of each month I will randomly pick a winner and I will run their website link on my sidebar, in an ad-type form, for that month. Free. The only thing I ask is that you are a shop or blog related to polish.

I will still be keeping the Gnarly Number Ones and the occasional Put Up Your Dupes features!

So tell me your thoughts!
Do you like/dislike these new changes?
Have any input or ideas of your own of things you'd like to see/see more of!?
Lemme know in the comments!

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  1. yes yes YES !! And I am the first Gnarly Neighbour? That means we must live next door to each other, yes? Your nail room or mine ?? xxxxx

  2. Thats pretty much how I arrived at the idea of doing it - looking back at bigger blogs when they first started and realizing I wasn't the only one that evolved drastically with time! And then as I look at my older posts I cringe and think about deleting those posts and then realize that I would rather use them as a learning tool!

  3. HAha! I wish it could be! Could you imagine the trouble we would find ourselves in? You think our untried piles are bad NOW?

  4. I like both of those ideas! A lot! I love seeing revisited manis, and I love it when bloggers take time to network and help each other out. Big thumbs up! If I think of anything else that's genius, I will let you know. ;)

  5. Yes, I would love to do more of a spotlight on blogs I personally love, but in this case, its more of a chance for anyone to get a little extra exposure they might not normally get if they are small or maybe not quite as talented as more well known blogs. I've considered doing something like that, but I havent fully made a choice yet, since other bloggers do that and I want to keep the content here as original as possible. We'll see how it goes though! Thank you for the wonderful input!

  6. hahaha. i dread that part but it will be mandatory!

  7. Yay!!! I like these comments so much - thank you!
    I always feel like I'm in the minority with my skulls and dark stuff, but blogging has really shown me that alot of people are into it and not just the florals and polka dots!

  8. Im one of those in the minority with my soft dark stuff. I try to keep in perfect balance.
    I really not into floral and polka dots.

  9. I guess for me, I can find a time and place for everything, but the dark stuff is "me" through and through!

  10. I agree with you same here


I love reading your comments, please feel free to leave one! I can't always respond due to time constraints or pure forgetfulness, but if you have a specific question about something, ask here or email me!