
I need MORE input? I am so high maintenance!

Help you guys!

So as some of you who follow closely may know, recently I switched up the commenting system here to the DISQUS platform.
I really liked the notification system they have in place and I feel that in the time I have been using it here that it has really been beneficial in communicating more with you guys on posts.
My question to you is - 

Does it work well for you, or no?
Do you ever have problems commenting?
Which system did you prefer/worked better for you?
Do you like or dislike the increased communication we can/do have?
Do you ever check the notifications that I have replied?

The reason I ask is because even though I have loved everything so far with DISQUS, last night I was logged out of it and in trying to get back in I somehow managed to accumulate 3 accounts, none of which were attached to this blog. In order to get this blog re-attached to any one of those accounts, I have had to re-import all of my comments, which means they are all gone AGAIN and I have had to start over. I am super frustrated but am willing to forego the frustration in hopes that you guys like this system and that it doesn't happen to me again! So tell me your thoughts!

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  1. I like your blog, I don't really notice which platform really, but it is easy to use.

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  3. i love disqus, i use it for my blog too. i love when bloggers reply to comments, but other commenting platforms dont notify you, and then you never see them.

  4. I've enjoyed DISQUS so far, and I'm bummed that you had that weirdness happen to you! How odd!! >:(

  5. So far is going well, I love the idea that I get the replies on my email, cause sometimes I forget to check if there are some replies to my comments. BUT Disqus can be a pain in the posterior, yeah like Victoria I had to open 3 accounts for an called Noreidame I just cant comment there , I liked the blog cause the blogger is into anime,

    Hope disquis still keep working fine, if I get stuck I will surely let you know by twitter or your contact address.

    It is great and fine keep the work .

  6. I have been thinking of switching to it too, so I am interested in seeing what people have to say. I was worried that because they have to add more information to comment, perhaps it would deter comments. Have you noticed fewer comments?

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  8. So sad you had to go though all that shtuff.
    I like DIsqus. One can actually have a conversation and see if there are any replies. Also, I like that I can attach pics to my comments. I have no idea what it's like when you're blog owner, but to me as your reader Disqus is far superior to other commenting platforms.

  9. I really like Disqus. I've been using it for about three years now. I rarely run into any issues at all, I think the entire time I've had it only two comments became "lost" in limbo (meaning for some reason the user ran into the default Blogger commenting platform). It is SO much better than Intense Debate, which I had used previously. ID would literally stop working every week. Drove me nuts. I also really love the email notification because sometimes I'll ask a question on a blog, then forget to check back if the blogger answered me! The Disqus team is also quite helpful, they're really open to critique and quite responsive when you ask questions on Twitter.

  10. As a commenter, I do really like DISQUS. People's biggest complaint seems to be that you have to log in to it, but I always just click the Twitter button so it does it automatically for me! I've asked around in two different nail groups and one seems to hate it and the other seems to love it so I haven't installed in onto my blog yet. It seems easy to use though, and I love the fact that it will tell me if I have any replies regardless of what blog I am commenting on at the time.

  11. i know...i really hope it doesnt happen again and was just a weird fluke.

  12. awww thanks hun! i like that word, irri-noying!

  13. no, not so much, but i do like the fact that you can straight login through other apps, like twitter. which i think my have been the problem i had in losing my account info, i think i joined it up through that instead of starting an actual disqus account and it got all wonky. but i think i get about the same amount of comments, or more comments, or maybe comments from people who didn't comment before. whatever it is, its definitely improved.

  14. i agree. i love the notifications and the added features you just don't get in standard commenting systems that are built in to the blogging sites.

  15. thats good to know - i actually did contact them through the contact option but i got a standard form letter back with no way to continue the conversation (ie it was not an actual email address but a bot address that kicked back a failure when i replied to it). but hopefully i fixed the problem on my own by making a new account. now my main problem is the old account is still emailing me replies, as well as the new one! haha!!

  16. Ha! Im not surprised they're divided. Its got its good and bad points like just about everything else ever created. Aside from the issue I had I love it. I started out using it as a commenter and I didn't have any problem leaving comments on blog using it, which was what ultimately turned my head to using it on my own blog.

  17. hahaha i love you too laura! you crack me up. this aint no book!

  18. Huh? What the hell are all those.....words??? LOL, I love you and your blog ANYWAY I can get you!!!

  19. I really like commenting using DISQUS and have been thinking of switching over to it on my blog. Not sure yet :/

  20. I hate it and I usually avoid commenting on blogs that use it. Its default is to connect to your Google+ account, but I don't want mine to as I use G+ for business, not nails. I think I've now set it up to use my Twitter account, which is better, but I would prefer if it would use my webiste/blog address, as do Gravatar and Blogger.

  21. See, while it has pulled in my Twitter image and name, it doesn't link to my Twitter account at all, just back to this post. So if I want to check someone out who has commented on your blog, perhaps to follow them or interact with them in some way, I can't unless I spend a while searching their name (although I may not be sure what platform that is on) or the image. Not very user-friendly.

  22. It sometimes won't load for me, so I often can't comment or look at replies. It is nice to see when there is replies though so it's kinda win/lose situation.

  23. I really like Disqus and am considering switching over to the comment system if I ever get unlazy enough to work on my site, lol!

  24. Disqus is causing me big problems. I want to comment on everything here, but when I don't, it's because Disqus has been f*cking up.


I love reading your comments, please feel free to leave one! I can't always respond due to time constraints or pure forgetfulness, but if you have a specific question about something, ask here or email me!