Today I've got my Number Nine polishes of the year to show you.
Remember, I'm doing 3 polishes per number, one indie, one mainstream and one texture.
And trust me, just because these are Number Nine on the list, hardly makes them any less special than those higher up the list!
Remember, I'm doing 3 polishes per number, one indie, one mainstream and one texture.
And trust me, just because these are Number Nine on the list, hardly makes them any less special than those higher up the list!
#9 in the Indie category is Lynnderella Graphic Content.
(1 coat over China Glaze For Audrey)
This polish is like the 80s bottled. Lots of neon and primary colors and shapes combined in a clear base with some tiny microglitters, but nowhere near the amount some Lynnderellas are capable of. I have rekindled my love of Lynns this year and this one topped the list for sure. I got lucky and scored this in a giveaway, but I think you can still find it on ebay occassionally as its an LE polish.
In the mainstream category at #9 is Teal Dimension by LA Girl.
(2 coats)
A large piece holo polish with a very subtle rainbow.
This is kind of like the bubblegum little sister to A Englands St. George. Stunning, deep, mesmering teal.
And coming in at #9 in the Texture category we have OPI, What Wizardry Is This?
(2 coats)
This was the very first textured polish I wore this year, and it immediately stole my heart. When topcoated, this polish resembles a highly polished goldstone. Without it, this gem looks like a mysterious tarnished bronze. This is one of those polishes I will never let go of.
Come back tomorrow to see who made the #8 spots!