
The Other Things I Loved - 2013 Edition

Today is my final Top stuff of the year post.

These have been a lot of fun, doing all this swatching, pulling out polishes I bought and never wore...I've hopefully had as much fun as you have viewing it!

So...I am totally glad Christmas is over, it was a great time but we had a rough go of it with my boyfriends son being pretty much the opposite of Santa's good list...just glad it's done, and my day of Christmas rest was so well-needed!
Are you ready for a new year?
I am! Not that this one was bad, at my age they all kind of blend together and seem a little uneventful...but 2014 has a lot in store for us! Travel, a new car, a new job! I can't wait to get it started!

So what did I love this year besides ALL THIS POLISH!?

Coconut Oil - the wonderfood. This stuff does it all. But I love it for my hands. I liquified mine down into a smaller jar and use it every night, it melts from the warmth of your hands and I just rub it in and put some gloves on before bed! You can find it anywhere that sells food pretty much.

Orly Argan Oil Cuticle Drops - I picked this up in a swap and it is awesome! It's my cuticle oil of choice right now (besides the Northern Star oil which I also use about the same amount)

MoYou Plates - Who isn't on this bandwagon? I mean seriously, you had to have been wearing a blindfold this year to not see MoYou EVERYWHERE....they made a huge splash and I don't see this freight train stopping anytime soon!

(Photo Courtesy of Crazy Polishes)

Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover/Balm - As far as balms went, this year I really liked this one. It wasn't as greasy as the Burts Bees type balms, it soaks in nice and has a unique smell (aka not lemon!)

Squishy Stamper - This is a new one for me. I thought I had it all along, but I didn't. So now that I have the squishy, I really hope to up my stamping game in 2014!

Cult Nails Wax That - This was by far my favorite top coat of the year!

OPI Matte Top Coat - Now yes...I did say Cult Nails was my favorite, but its waxy - and sometimes you just want it FLAT - OPI is perfect for this!

Rejuvacote - Late summer I had an issue with my nails and gave the Rejuvacote a try - it was PERFECTION. I did it for about 6 weeks without any polish and my nails are still in amazing shape from the experience.

Julep Mighty Pen - The Mighty! This baby is my secret weapon for fighting the dryness of acetone. I swipe it on after every manicure or swatch I do, right before I take the pictures. It soaks in immediately and gets rid of any dry spots.

Studs - Studs were still all the rage this year and I still loved them!

DIY Decals - OMG what did I do before DIY decals!? You can turn your stamping images into mini coloring books! It takes stamping to a whole new level...stay tuned because I have a tutorial for this coming VERY soon!

New Cuticle Pusher - A good cuticle pusher is something I lacked for a very long time. Now that I got this spoon style one, I love using it!

DIY Coffee Scrub - This is something I came up with one day when I was cleaning out the grounds in my espresso machine. I thought hmmmm....caffeine has all these great qualities for skin, maybe I'll rub some on my hands and see what happens! So about once or twice a week when I'm making coffee I will take the grounds from my machine and use them as a hand scrub! It leaves your skin SOOO soft!

Favorite Blogs - This one is hard. Alot of amazing bloggers have sprouted up this year, and a lot of older ones have become great friends of mine. A few I would like to mention here are:

Fierce Makeup and Nails
Follow Gashin
Wondrously Polished
UK Nail Runner
Look What The Bats Dragged In
Will Paint Nails For Food
The Crumpet
Smashley Sparkles
Oh Three Oh Four
The Amazing World of J
and of course, all of my other amazing friends who I cannot possibly name all of them here!

MY favorite manis of mine:

And most of all - YOU GUYS!

I have made the greatest of friends in the nail community this year and I have really, truly felt the love and camaraderie we have within it. I say to myself all of the time that I don't blog for the numbers and I care very little about HOW many people follow me, but I am so thankful you guys do....if I only had 2 followers I don't know that I'd have continued blogging as long as I have. It's coming up on 2 years next month and I am so thrilled to have stuck through it, and I owe it all to you guys, friends, followers, fans alike....I love you guys all and I thank you!

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