
33DC - Texture

I am back to the 33DC after Wednesdays minor hiccup - today we are talking Texture. 

Oh yeah, Missy loves the texture!

I had JUST gotten these two amazing NEON textures a week or so back - so I was all over using them for this challenge!

Just about everything in todays mani is new(ish) - that is crazy talk.
My glitter nails are a base of Layla Limoncello with Lynnderella Sweet and Deadly on top.
My texture nails are Sand Lacquers by Perfect in #69 and #73

The texture polishes have sparkle and applied really well, both shown at just two coats.

The Lynnderella was really thin base wise, it was hard to keep the glitters on my brush, but I managed and a few dabs later, gorgeous glitter coverage.



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