
Pink and Purple Panic!

This week in the Adventures in Stamping group, the challenge was to use something I think was described as "eye searing pink and purple" so I did my best.
Also - I recently received a new stamping plate from Born Pretty Store, which I'm using/reviewing here.

I received Plate M66 - this is how it arrived, like most plates - in a plastic wrapper with a blue cling film  on the actual plate. These plates have no backing, so you have to use some extra care with them, as they tend to have a sharp edge. This plate retails on the Born Pretty Store website for $1.99

Blue film removed. I love the shine of a brand new plate! This one  has a bunch of asian plant life, like Sakura branch, bamboo stalks, lotus flowers and lilypads and a few other things. I love asian inspired art so this was right up my alley!

The base of this mani started out as Sinful Colors Fusion Neon, but I accidentally grabbed the wrong polish on my 2nd coat and ended up with OPI It's All Greek to Me. Oopsie.

I double stamped these designs, first in purple (Kleancolor Metallic Purple) and then in white (Konad Special White). Then I added some glitter in the empty spaces.

This is a perfect example of making sure to wait until your stamping is very very dry before top coating it. As you can see, I had a little smearing, but it happens. And you have to keep in mind these are super macro shots, so the smears are really not noticeable in real lifers.

So what did you think about the stamping plate? The images all stamp REALLY well and I love how well they mix with the other asian style plates I own. Born Pretty Store has a ton of cool stuff, not just nail related but jewelry and all kinds of girlie products.
They have offered all of my readers a 7% OFF Discount - just use code LAUJ61

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 500 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 9.01.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. Pretty mani...I get so impatient and use my topcoat too early and smear...know the feeling :(

  2. M66 is one of my favourite plates. In fact, I plan to use when I get home from work tonight. The fruit trees are starting to bloom and I hope my pictures will work out.

  3. In this blog their are so many beautiful pictures available and I really thankful to you for posting this blog, I really like rocking songs and rocking band. Panic At The Disco.

  4. Ohhh cherry blossoms!! I love cherry blossoms! I have some in my tattoo. :)


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