
BCA Pink Week - Day 4 - Mermaid Scales

Hello mon cheries!

I have a Pink BCA Mani for you today that I used an exorbitant amount of pulchritudinous pink polishes on. Say that 10 times fast now ladies!

Jolène (of Follow Gashin) and I are going to be sprinkling big fancy words into our blog posts to broaden our (mostly my) vocabularies and find new ways to talk about polish!

Breast Cancer Fact #4

So yeah - I used about 10 polishes for this thing. It was OUT OF CONTROL on my nail table ya'll. I don't even want to list them, I put them all away already and thats just that. You wouldn't even know what went where anyway, its just ALOT of pinks is all you need to worry about!

Anyway I did a base of pink, and then I went in with my many many pinks and dotted the whole nail, afterwards I went in with white acrylic paint and added the scales.

I finished the mani off with a sparkly matte topcoat. 

I was going for a pink mermaid, which I don't think I achieved. Oh well.... I will still live to paint another day!

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