
Interviews with Indies - Black Cat Lacquer

This weeks Interview comes to us from Black Cat Lacquer!

What is the name of your brand?
Black Cat Lacquer 

What is your name/names of everyone involved in your brand?

My name is Sabrina and I am the owner/creator of Black Cat Lacquer.  There is also my fantastic hubby Nathan who assists with shipping and packaging and my darling daughters who are part of my creative team :)

What got you started in the polish making market?

I've been painting my nails like a maniac since I was 12.  I've always been heavily into makeup doing freelance work when I can and just being a collector.  I discovered the world of indie nail polishes about a year ago and I've been hooked ever since and never looked back! I have worked for some major companies over the years and have gained a fair amount of knowledge into starting my own business so I bit the bullet and got my own going! 

Do you have a background that was condusive to getting started in this field?
(example: were you a chemistry major, work in a lab, have an art degree, etc...)

I've been a freelance makeup artist for years and I have plans on getting my Cosmetology certificate here in the near future.

What is your thought process when naming colors? 

I usually name the colors of our polishes after something that is sentimental to me or something that inspired the color.

Where do you derive your inspiration for your creations?

I'm a complete music/movies/television/comics/concerts/books/tattoo/travel/photography nerd.  So when it comes to making colors I just pull from something that has sparked some interest at some point in my life and apply a color palette to it.  Let's take our new Nightclubbing collection for instance. I took inspiration from my old industrial/goth/club kid days in San Fran in the late 90's/early '00's. 

Where do you create?

I do most of my work out of my home.  I always keep a notebook with me in case I get inspired. I usually crank up the iPod, get all the glitter out and just go at it for hours!

Do you make polish full time?

I am blessed enough to be able to stay at home with my little ones so my schedule pretty much rotates around theirs.

What is your favorite polish that you did NOT make?

I think it's a tie between Chanel Nouvelle Vague or Deborah Lippmann Across the Universe but let me tell you that I am totally in love with The Hungry Asian, Pretty & Polished, Dollish Polish, Sonnetarium & Hare Polish at the moment :) You girls rock!!!

What is your favorite polish brand?

For commercial it's a tie between OPI and Deborah Lippmann, and of course I love all the girls in the indie polish industry!!!!!

What is your favorite polish from your own line?

My favorite is Peacocky!  It was just released in the Nightclubbing collection and it was inspired by my peacock tattoo I have on my arm.  I'm a sucker for all things teal or tiffany blue!

What is the best part about making polish?

Everything! Seeing the combinations my customers come up with using our polishes is my favorite! 

What is the worst?
Trying to clean up after I've been working for hours.  I swear there's no joke about the saying that glitter is the herpes of the crafting world because no matter what you do you can't get completely rid of it! :D  I find that stuff in the most remote places and I'm always like "HOW?!?!?!?!"

How many polish shades have you made to date?

A TON!  I have a huge train case full of unreleased that have been marinating that I plan on releasing in the future! Lots of customs for friends and family!  

How many polishes do you have in your own personal stash?

Uh, I'm going to have to plead the 5th on that one!  I feel like a hoarder when it comes to counting them all and I don't know if I even want to know :)

What is your one favorite ingredient?

GLITTER!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Do you make non-polish products? If so, tell us about them!

I'm pretty crafty!  I love making things with my girls and making sentimental presents for the hubby on special occasions :) I love sewing and interior decorating so I've always got little projects around the house I'm working on.

Tell us where your polishes are available to purchase?

You can purchase our items at  www.etsy.com/shop/blackcatlacquer 

Do you have a website/facebook/blog? Give us any links you want.

Instagram: Blackcatlacquer

What does the future hold for your brand?

Lots of really cool collections in the near future!  Looking forward to a special one that's close to my heart releasing in a couple of weeks and did someone say HALLOWEEN is coming soon?!?!   

Do you have anything else you'd like my readers to know about you or your brand?

We love our customers and strive to make nothing but excellence!  We do take custom requests and if you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to ask :) 

Now check out some awesome pics Sabrina sent us of their polishes!

Night Clubbing Collection

Sparkle Motion

Static Age

Awesome! Thanks Sabrina! Now everyone go check out her shop!

Don't forget to enter the Gnarly Gnails 500 Follower Giveaway!
Ends 9.01.2012 and is open Internationally!

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  1. Oooh... so gorgeous!! Hope to make a purchase soon! xo

  2. Can't wait to see the Halloween collection! Great interview. :)

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