

Its been awhile, eh?
I don't exactly expect any previous followers to still be subscribed here but if you are, HI!!

Guess I should explain, huh?
Well...Back when I started this blog in 2012, I was coming out of my first bout of depression.  At 38 years old I had never experienced any mental health issues. But I'd moved across the country, left my family and friends and ended up in an awful relationship that left me pretty much alone emotionally, cut off from friends and family (my choice but still)...I started blogging as an outlet to make myself feel better, connect with people, make some friends...which I made some really amazing friends in my blogging journey. But it wasn't enough, eventually the long long hours of promotion and blogging began to take its toll on me and I found that what was once a passion was now feeling a bit like a prison.  Home wasn't any better, either.  Depression got the better of me yet again in 2014 and I quit blogging and again cut  myself off from people who cared about me.  Its hard to dig yourself out of that deep dark hole.  In the end it still took me a good 2 years to really come to the realization that I deserved more out of my life and I was the only one who was going to hustle to make it happen.

Early in 2017 I finally got my act together and left the guy I had been with for 8 years and moved back home to South Carolina.  I've slowly gotten my old self back, I'm not fully there yet, I still have really bad social anxiety and I'm still prone to serious bouts of laziness and mood swings.  But I'm working again, and have a great guy in my life and a crazy dog we adopted.

I'm only working part time and since I do actually really like my job I don't want to look for something else and decided that I would fill some of my spare time getting back into blogging life.

I've developed more interests since you saw me last...I picked up my old love of makeup and accumulated quite a stash (which is good since when I moved out of Georgia I had to leave A LOT of my nail polish behind), I've also found a love for cooking and eating somewhat healthy, as well as a new addiction to toy collecting!

So I think this blog will be geared a bit more to the lifestyle department but with obvious heavy influences in the beauty field, the rest will just be sprinkled it here and there.
So...its good to be back...can't wait to catch up!

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  1. So glad to see you again! You have been missed!

  2. Welcome back, it's so nice to see you back! I am glad to hear that you are slowly getting back to being your old self again ^_^ ♥

    1. hey girl!! yes, i am! its a long road and process but the progression gets faster all the time!

  3. Aww you just popped up on Feedly :) big changes then! Blogging can become a tiresome prison, yet oddly so many of us have had issues with depression and throw ourselves into it until we just can't carry on with it. Different focus I suppose. How many nail shapes have you rocked during that time?!

    1. haha...hardly any. honestly when i quit, i didn't paint my nails for at least a year. like not even treatments. i just was so over all of it. even now after caring about myself again for about a year or two my hands are still a bit of a mess, trying to whip them into shape!

  4. Hiii! Glad to see your back and doing better.
    I'm looking forward to your future work :) .

  5. It is good to hear you are getting your life back on track. I'm looking forward to reading your posts again.

  6. It's good to see you back to blogging and great that you are getting your life back on track. Can't wait to see future posts from you. :)x

    1. thank you so much Chrissie!! I'm so glad to be back at it (blogging AND life!)

  7. Gah, I'm so happy to see you back!! Good for you for getting your life back in order. I'm excited to see what you have in store for the future!

  8. Replies
    1. Awww thank you so much!! I'm so glad to be back and reconnect!

  9. Happy to see you back! I used to check in on your blog from time to time to see if you were there and I'm happy to see you're doing better now!

    1. Thank you! Happy to be back and better! Thanks for sticking around!


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