
Fall Favorite Polishes - Reds

Disclosure - Personal Purchases

I'm going to do a less than early series of my favorite fall polishes.
Originally this was to be just one post, but it turns out I had over 50 favorites.  Oops.
So instead, I'm going to break this up into color categories...first up is my favorite Reds, Berries, vampy colors.  I was never a big fan of red polish, so the choices here are pretty small.

First Up - American Apparel Berry.

Orly Naughty

I Love Nail Polish Undenied

Elevation Toubkal

What are YOUR favorite fall reds?

Stay tuned next time for my favorite Fall Orange Polishes!

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  1. Since seeing this, I had a mad desire to wear OPI Royal Rajah Ruby. Put it on last night and can't stop admiring it now! Just seen the oranges post though and debating removing it in favour of a holo pumpkin shade whose name escapes me!

    1. Ooooh.... Ok when you find it I need to know.. I could use a good orange holo! I had to leave hundreds of polishes behind when I moved and I need to rebuild my empire!

  2. That vampy Orly is just gorgeous. I love my reds so much it would be impossible for me to pick a favourite, but I do love your selection.

    1. That is one of the newest polishes I've purchased, too! I was like this almost black burgundy is completely missing from my arsenal, like how is that even possible?!


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