
Fall Favorite Polishes - Greens

Disclosure - Personal Purchases

Hey ya'll!
So the other day I was in Walmart buying some advil and I wandered into the nail polish area...I was like oh I wonder what's new with Hard Candy....wait, what?!  They discontinued their polishes, AGAIN?
Sigh. I really like the old school ones they brought back and now they're all gone again.
ANYWAY. How about we look at some happy green polishes?

In MY collection, a quintessential fall/halloween polish is this one, She Lived in a Swamp by Lynnderella.  Really cool types of really rad colored green glitters in a clear base.  Shown here over American Apparel Army Jacket.

And the base to that: American Apparel Army Jacket. my favorite olive green polish.

Essie Armed & Ready. Stunning dark khaki with gold shimmer.

China Glaze Westside Warrior. Love the depth of this green. Great fall to winter color.

A England Fotheringhay Castle.  I just don't have words for this one...AE's polishes always wow me with their shimmer and amazing one coat goodness.

But then we have Butter London's Wallis, talk about shimmer. This one is oozing with drama.

One of my favorite and most unique polishes, Maybelline Downtown Brown. It's like brown and green and burgundy all consumated to make this stunnerbaby.

Elevation Gobi. Kinda yellow, kinda green, hints of maybe, maroon? It's intriguing to say the least.

Rescue Beauty Lounge Turn It Around. Another polish with loads of personality...a little green a little gold a little purple.

Can you tell I love these fall greens? I had to really edit myself in this category, I started out with 19 polishes!
What are your favorite greens?

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  1. Gorgeous selection and that Butter London polish is incredible.
    Vicky x


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