
Fall Favorite Polishes - Yellows

Disclosure - Personal Purchases

Welcome back to my Fall favorites series!  Today we are exploring YELLOW!
I don't actually own much yellow polish, its a tricky color that's hard to create and hard to pull off for many.
However, there is a specific shade of yellow that I love and it's that poopy warm mustard color.  Just so happens it's also wildly popular right now.
I only have a couple of those shades but I'm gonna showcase them here for you - let's go!

First we have Bourjois Jaune Trendy.  A very ugly-pretty mustard color that applies perfectly.

Next up is Golden Rose Carnival, a mustard glitter suspended in a clear base.  This is one coat over the next color.

And...my hands down favorite yellow ever is Nails Inc Hampstead Gardens.  A deeper more burnt version of the above Bourjois shade.  This is seriously one of my dream colors.

See you next time for the Greens!

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  1. I love all three. Yellow is such a happy colour and it helps me in winter months to deal with my dysthymia.
    I haven't noticed that particular Golden Rose topper, but I haven't been paying much attention to their glitter toppers. I can recommend their textured polishes if you have a chance to come by them.

    1. I think I may actually have some of their textures, I know I have something neon and textured I think is from them but I could be wrong, I'll have to see if they made it during the move!


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