
OPI - Top This! Set Review

Today I have a pretty awesome full size top coat set to show you from OPI.

It includes a holographic glitter top coat you can ONLY find in this set, too...and it's an awesome one at that...check it out!

Top This! contains Top CoatMatte Top Coat, and Snowflakes in the Air – an exclusive multi-colored sparkle shade available only in this kit.
For this set, I used a base color of OPI Louvre Me Louvre Me Not.

This is the top coat - it produces an impeccable shine! It is also NOT a quick drying top coat, which I appreciated. All I own is quick dries and desperately needed one that would work for things like hand placing items on my nails and using over foils.

Regardless of dry time (which was good nonetheless) - the shine here is phenom!!

The new OPI Matte Top Coat. You knew I loved this though, I'm sure.

This topper provides a super flat finish and dries pretty fast to boot. The matte effect happens fairly quickly as well.

Snowflakes in the Air, holo glitter top coat. Only available in this set.

Gorgeous!! The holo in this is amazing and so impossible to not fall in love with. It shot so many colors at me when I was taking pictures, it is tremendously blingy!!

With the three top coats in Top This!, you can create a multitude of looks to add the perfect finishing touch to your manicure.  Top Coat provides a high-gloss, protective shine, while Matte Top Coat gives lacquer a velvety finish. Snowflakes in the Air is a new glitter top coat that’s only sold in this trio. This silver glitter with rainbow shimmer can be worn alone or over any OPIhue. Choose your favorite or try mixing it up by using all three.”

Top This! will be available October 2013, at Professional Salons, including Beauty Brands, Beauty First, Chatters, Dillard’s, jcp Salons, Pure Beauty, Regis, Trade Secret, ULTA and ulta.comTake Ten retails for $24.95 ($29.95 CAN), and Top This! retails for $27.00 ($32.85 CAN). 
For more information, please call 800-341-9999 or visit www.opi.com. Follow OPI on Twitter@OPI_PRODUCTS and become a Facebook fan!

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