
Incoco - Fright Night Collection - Review and Swatches


I'm back with more Halloween!

The lovely folks at Incoco sent me this awesome Halloween package and I was SOOO excited to show them to you guys, these are like the coolest nail wraps I have ever laid eyes or fingers on!

Before I start - I want to say I AM SO SORRY!
I have yet again dislodged myself from my commenting account and gotten locked out of it.
So while I am waiting for help to get back in, I cannot and have not been able to comment back on comments. I'm sorry guys, hopefully it will be fixed soon, I miss talking to you guys!!

Incoco Nail Wraps in Fright Night, After Dark, Bone Rattling and Spooktacular

Here is the Halloween Set - how cute, AMIRIGHT!?

First up I did a duo manicure using Fright Night and After Dark. Fright Night is an orange glitter base with silhouettes of spooky houses and trees and graveyards. After Dark is an orange to black glitter gradient design - so awesome to have a cool wrap like this that saves the drama of removing glitter polish after the mani or after you do the gradient! Don't we all just hate dealing with glitter all over our finger skin and cuticles?!

These two designs were obviously made to go together so how could I not appreciate that? It's like the worlds easiest skittle manicure.

The application of the Incoco Wraps is hands down easy as pie. If I wasn't a blogger but as supremely into nail art anyway, these would be stockpiled. They are seriously awesome and so easy to use that I think everyone who loves nail art needs these!

Next up we have the Bone Rattling design. A white base with black skeleton faces, sort of in a pile of skulls. These glow in the dark! 

Oooooh! Ahhhh! I'm getting much better at my glow in the dark photography, this is low light though because I have some more to show you that I did with this design.

Well...you know I can't leave well enough alone. I have to add some drama to everything. So I kept one finger regular as an accent, and on the other three I took some black polish and blacked out some space inside the design, then I added some neon green dots!

I thought it would be a cool way to make it look like its glow in the dark even in the daytime! And this mani shows the wraps with top coat, so you can see, they don't wrinkle or do anything weird!

In the dark! Look how awesomely crisp they look!! The glow on these is REALLY bright!
And lastly, my favorite design of the set - Spooktacular! A black base with cute, GLOWING ghosties!!

I kept two wraps intact, and then I snipped two diagonally and placed those over a matte black base I had applied beforehand. Once on the nail, I took a white, striper polish and added some spiderweb designs to the black space.

If it's one thing I love to paint, its spiderwebs! I used to make and sell plaster sugar skulls and I painted a ton of spiderwebs doing that. They are so fun and so easy to do!

Aren't these wraps so cute? I love how whimsical they are!


SO you need these, right? And you're like OMG How do I get them NOOOOW? Right?
Wonder no more!

These will be available for purchase tomorrow, October 2, at Incoco.com or wherever Incoco Nail Polish Appliques are sold. They retail for $8.99 per set.

BUT WAIT! There's MORE!!
Want to win a set of Incoco Appliques?!
Enter Below!
[edit - i fixed the links - sorry about that!]

Giveaway is open to US & Canada residents only.

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